Air Conditioning

Duct Replacement

Get all your ducts in a row with air duct replacement!

San Antonio Ductwork Experts

Local Duct Replacement Services

Without a well-designed, properly installed air duct system, even the most advanced and efficient HVAC system can be rendered useless. Stop wastefully cooling the space in your attics and crawl spaces as your conditioned air leaks away through faults in your ductwork.

It’s been proven that an HVAC system can experience up to a 30% loss in efficiency due to faults in the ductwork. Not only does this mean that the system will struggle to cool and heat your home, but it will also be more costly to run and represent a greater burden to the environment.

Thankfully, when it comes to damaged ducts that waste energy and force our clients to throw away their money, the professionals here at Wright AC Services refuse to stand by and do nothing. That’s why we go above and beyond to provide the highest quality duct replacement services in San Antonio.

commercial air ducts on the ceiling of a business

Hidden Signs That Your Ductwork Needs To Be Replaced 

Due to being installed in places that are seldom seen, like attics and crawl spaces, it can be easy to not think about your ductwork.

It can be even easier to overlook potential damage as it occurs.

Fortunately, because air ducts are so vital to the overall function of your heating and cooling system, there are some obvious factors that all homeowners should be aware of that could indicate a need for ductwork replacement.

If you notice any of the following symptoms, reach out to an expert at Wright AC today. We’ll be able to evaluate if a duct replacement is the best solution for your home!

Old Air Ducts

The average lifespan of ductwork is between 10-15 years depending on use conditions, quality of materials and quality of maintenance. Once a system starts aging, its overall structure will start to decline and it will become increasingly difficult to keep up with inefficiencies in the system.

Frequent Duct Repairs

While repairs aren’t entirely unavoidable, they should be a fairly rare requirement for your ductwork system. If your system is constantly failing and you’re forced to pay for repair after repair, it could be time to consider outright replacement to save you time and money on frequent breakdowns.

High Utility Bills

On a month-to-month basis, your utility bills should remain fairly consistent. Because ductwork can account for that 30% loss in overall system efficiency, faults in your ductwork can have a drastic impact on how much energy your system consumes. If you notice your energy costs increasing dramatically, it could be time to start considering ductwork replacement.

Poor Indoor Air Quality

It’s recommended that you have your ductwork cleaned at least once every 3-5 years by a qualified professional to eliminate the accumulation of dirt and debris. A dirty ductwork system is one of the biggest contributors to poor indoor air quality and is a valid reason to start considering replacement.

Poor Or Uneven Cooling

Ductwork has a simple job that’s complicated in practice. Providing a sealed pathway for air becomes complicated when you add dozens of turns and multiple rooms. If you notice that your HVAC system is providing poor or uneven cooling, it could be a sign that your ductwork is poorly designed.

Your system could be inefficiently distributing conditioned air. In these cases, it’s far easier to replace the system with a redesigned layout rather than attempt to rearrange the existing ducts.

Choose A Company That’ll Do It Wright

As we mentioned above, ductwork represents a large point of potential efficiency loss. This makes it incredibly important that it’s installed correctly, efficiently and in a way that’s meant to last.

This means that when choosing an air duct replacement company, you want a team that’ll treat the equipment like their own and takes the time to do it right the first time. When it’s time for duct replacement, you want the team here at Wright AC Services.

With over 30 years of experience, our family-owned company has been working hard to provide the highest quality ductwork installation in San Antonio. If you want to have no doubts about the quality of your ductwork installation, don’t hesitate to call us today.

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