How Often Do You Need To Change AC Refrigerant?

AC Refrigerant 101: Reasons To Schedule A Recharge

San Antonio residents all know what it means when summer rolls around — it’s time to crank up the AC so that you can escape the season’s heat! But what if your system is struggling to keep up with your cooling needs?

If you’re scratching your head wondering what the problem is, our team can help identify the trouble! One common AC concern is a refrigerant leak, which leads to inefficient cooling. Join Wright AC Services as we take steps to demystify how this chemical keeps your home cool and comfy as well as how often it should be changed.

What Is Freon Used For?

Refrigerant is the magic ingredient that makes your air conditioner work — and Freon is just one of the most popular brands on the market! People often use these terms interchangeably, though this isn’t always accurate.

However, whether you’re using Freon for air conditioners or not, these products are essential for transferring heat from inside your home to the outside environment. Without it, your AC wouldn’t be able to perform its primary function of cooling the air.

When Does Refrigerant Need To Be Changed?

Unlike air filters — which require regular replacement — you typically don’t need to change AC refrigerant unless there’s a leak. So, instead of thinking about changing your coolant regularly, focus on regular maintenance to detect and prevent leaks early on.

The Wright AC team can provide skilled tune-up and repair services, helping you maintain a cool home.

Signs That Your AC Might Need A Freon Recharge

Since Freon and other brands play a critical role in cooling homes across San Antonio, knowing the signs of a refrigerant problem can help you address them before they turn into costly repairs.

Here are some telltale signs that your AC might need a Freon recharge:

  • Insufficient cooling — If your home isn’t as cool as it used to be, it might be due to low coolant levels. The AC struggles to remove heat from your home, resulting in less effective cooling.
  • Ice buildup on evaporator coils — Evaporator coils can freeze when the refrigerant is too low, leading to ice buildup. This ice can block the coils and reduce the efficiency of your AC.
  • Hissing or bubbling noises — These unusual sounds can indicate a system leak. Hissing suggests gas escaping from a leak, while bubbling can mean air is entering the line.
  • Unusual smells — A chemical smell near your air conditioner can point to a Freon leak. Refrigerant has a distinct odor that is different from the typical smells of an operating AC system.
  • Oily residue — Leaks can leave an oily film on or around the AC components. This residue can be a sign that your system is leaking.

If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s time to call a professional for an inspection. AC troubles can be caused by a variety of factors, and we’ll be able to determine if low refrigerant is to blame. Once the problem has been identified, we’ll be able to deliver effective repair services.

How To Check The Refrigerant Level In Your AC: Is This A DIY Task?

Checking the cooling fluid level is not a DIY job. However, you can visually inspect for signs like ice buildup on the coils or listen for unusual noises. For an accurate assessment, it’s best to call in the pros. Our team has the tools and expertise to measure your AC fluid charge safely and correctly.

How To Add Freon To An AC: Ways A Professional Can Help

Adding Freon to your AC should always be done by a licensed professional. Here’s a quick rundown of what Wright AC technicians do:

  • Inspect and diagnose — Your technician will inspect the system for leaks as well as other signs of trouble.
  • Repair leaks — Any identified leaks need to be repaired to prevent future issues.
  • Recharge the system — Your technician will then add the correct amount of chilling medium, ensuring your system operates efficiently.

Handling air conditioning fluid requires special equipment and knowledge, so it’s always best to leave an AC Freon recharge to the experts. At Wright AC Services, we specialize in effective air conditioning services, and we can address cooling system concerns with ease. Don’t hesitate to reach out when you have cooling concerns!

Stay Cool With AC Repairs In San Antonio

Keeping an eye on your AC’s refrigerant levels is crucial for ensuring your system operates effectively. Remember, it’s not about changing the coolant regularly but ensuring there are no leaks and the system is in good shape.

If you suspect a problem, reach out to our Wright AC Services experts. We’ll be able to examine your system and perform the necessary air conditioning repairs!

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